A Musical Field Guide for Minnesota Wildflowers
Reed Trio Consortium
Inspired by the beauty of Minnesotan wildflowers, this new collection will feature various types of reed trios. The overall plan is to musically portray 54 species of plants native to Minnesota, represented as musical themes, spanning 18 configurations of oboe, bassoon, and one other woodwind instrument (e.g. flute, clarinet, saxophone, other double reeds). Starting with the earliest spring flowers through the summer and into fall, the collection represents the richness and biological diversity of Minnesota’s prairies, woodlands, and lakeshores.
Consortium Timeline and Details (Round 2):
October 15, 2023 – Consortium Opens
March 1, 2024 – Deadline for deposits
May 1, 2024 – Draft scores and parts available for member feedback or workshops
July 1, 2024 – Final scores and parts available for performance in Summer and Fall 2024
Round 2 is still accepting members on a rolling basis! If you have questions, please contact me!
As a consortium, the project continues 6 more of the 18 combinations. Consortium members will have the opportunity to select which of the 6 trios from Round 2 they would like to fund then perform. Round 2 will be considered “fully funded” when at least one member has claimed each of the 6 trios. Scores from this round will be under exclusivity to consortium members only until July 1, 2025 when they will be self-published and on-sale for approximately $25 per score. Future rounds will be announced later to complete the full project.
All members at or above the $100 buy-in level will receive the following benefits:
It’s recommended that a reed trio contribute at the $300 buy-in level (or $100/person) and a single member at the $100 level if not part of a regular trio. When participating at the $500 buy-in level, you will be credited in all of the trios for Round 2. It is expected, though not required, that each consortium member or ensemble perform the work within one year of July 1, 2024.
Consortium Timeline and Details (Round 2):
October 15, 2023 – Consortium Opens
March 1, 2024 – Deadline for deposits
May 1, 2024 – Draft scores and parts available for member feedback or workshops
July 1, 2024 – Final scores and parts available for performance in Summer and Fall 2024
Round 2 is still accepting members on a rolling basis! If you have questions, please contact me!
As a consortium, the project continues 6 more of the 18 combinations. Consortium members will have the opportunity to select which of the 6 trios from Round 2 they would like to fund then perform. Round 2 will be considered “fully funded” when at least one member has claimed each of the 6 trios. Scores from this round will be under exclusivity to consortium members only until July 1, 2025 when they will be self-published and on-sale for approximately $25 per score. Future rounds will be announced later to complete the full project.
All members at or above the $100 buy-in level will receive the following benefits:
- Your name(s), or the name of the ensemble in the score of the selected instrumentation
- Print-at-home PDFs of score/parts (hard copies available for an additional $25 fee)
- A virtual group meeting with all consortium members in March 2024
- Early draft PDFs of score/parts in late Spring 2024 for review or to workshop with ensemble
- Additional access to the creative process as the work is developed
- Composer introduction video to use for performance or curriculum development
- A single virtual one-on-one rehearsal/workshop with your ensemble in Summer 2024
- Discounted access to scores in the current round of the consortium (50% off $25 scores).
- Multiple virtual, or possible in-person rehearsals in Summer or Fall 2023
- Access to all 6 trios within the current round, early access to scores in from previous or future rounds of the consortium (50% off $25 scores).
It’s recommended that a reed trio contribute at the $300 buy-in level (or $100/person) and a single member at the $100 level if not part of a regular trio. When participating at the $500 buy-in level, you will be credited in all of the trios for Round 2. It is expected, though not required, that each consortium member or ensemble perform the work within one year of July 1, 2024.
To join the consortium, send your contact details to Jonathan Posthuma using the contact form.
Consortium fees can be paid below.
Each instrumental combination will have 4 musical themes woven into a single long movement (about 8 – 12 minutes). Each instrumental family joining the oboe and bassoon has their own color association, with flutes representing purple-blue and pink flowers, oboes white and deep green or brown, clarinets purple-blue and orange, saxophones yellow and gold, and bassoon white and deep red. The changing seasons roughly correspond to the size and range of the instruments with small/high instruments like piccolo, Eb clarinet, and soprano saxophone in the spring and large/low instruments like bass flute, contrabass clarinet, and contrabassoon in the fall. Trios available in Round 1 are listed below.
Consortium fees can be paid below.
Each instrumental combination will have 4 musical themes woven into a single long movement (about 8 – 12 minutes). Each instrumental family joining the oboe and bassoon has their own color association, with flutes representing purple-blue and pink flowers, oboes white and deep green or brown, clarinets purple-blue and orange, saxophones yellow and gold, and bassoon white and deep red. The changing seasons roughly correspond to the size and range of the instruments with small/high instruments like piccolo, Eb clarinet, and soprano saxophone in the spring and large/low instruments like bass flute, contrabass clarinet, and contrabassoon in the fall. Trios available in Round 1 are listed below.
Consortium Fee
Consortium Fee - A Musical Field Guide for Minnesota Wildflowers
Round 1
Trio No. 1 for Ob, Picc, Bsn (flowering in March-April)
“Pasque Flower” Anemone patens [Early Spring] “Violet Wood Sorrel” Oxalis violacea [Spring, Summer] “Downy Blue Violet” Viola sororia [Spring] “Columbine” Aquilegia canadensis [Spring] Trio No. 5 for, Eb Cl, Bsn (flowering in April - May) “Forget-Me-Not” Myosotis scorpioides [Spring] “Spring Beauty” Claytonia virginica [Spring] “Virginia Bluebell” Mertensia viginica [Spring] “Virginia Waterleaf” Hydrophyllum virginianum [Spring] Trio No. 9 for Ob, SopSax, Bsn (flowering in May - June) “Marsh Marigold” Caltha palustris [Early Spring] “Swamp Buttercup” Ranunculus hispidus [Spring, Summer] “Carolina Puccoon” Lithospermum caroliniense “Golden Alexanders” Zizia aurea [Spring, Summer] |
Trio No. 2 for Ob, Fl, Bsn (flowering in April)
“Prairie Smoke” Geum triflorum [Spring] “Wild Blue Phlox” Phlox divaricata [Spring] “Purple Prairie Clover” Dalea purpurea [Summer] “Wild Lupine” Lupinus perennis [Summer] Trio No. 6 for Ob, Cl, Bsn (flowering in May) “Wild Bergamot” Monarda fistulosa [Summer] “Fragrant Giant Hyssop” Agastache foeniculum [Summer] “Purple Coneflower” Echinacea angustifolia [Summer] “Hoary Vervain” Verbena stricta [Summer] “Showy Goldenrod” Solidago speciosa [Summer, Autumn] Trio No. 11 for Ob, TSax, Bsn (flowering in August) “Common Evening Primrose” Oenothera biennis [Summer] “Prairie Ragwort” Senecio plattensis [Summer] “Prairie Dandelion” Agoseris glauca [Summer] “Autumn Sneezeweed” Helenium autumnale [Summer, Autumn] |
Round 2
Trio No. 3 for Ob, AFl, Bsn (flowering in June)
“Blue Flag” Iris versicolor [Spring, Early Summer] “Showy Lady’s-Slipper” Cypripedium reginae [Late Spring, Summer] “Western Spiderwort” Tradescantia occidentalis [Spring, Summer] “Wild Geranium” Geranium maculatum [Late Spring, Summer] Trio No. 7 for Ob, BsCl, Bsn (flowering in August - September) “Swamp Milkweed” Asclepias incarnata [Spring] “Butterfly-weed” Asclepias tuberosa [Late Spring, Summer] “Common Milkweed” Asclepias syriaca [Summer, Autumn] “Joe-Pye Weed” Eupatorium maculatum [Summer, Autumn] Trio No. 10 for Ob, ASax, Bsn (flowering in July) “Ox-eye” Heliopsis helianthoides [Spring, Summer] “Stiff Tickseed” Coreopsis palmata [Early Summer] “Black Eyed Susan” Rudbeckia hirta [Summer] “Gray-headed Coneflower” Ratabida pinnata [Summer] |
Trio No. 4 for Ob, BsFl, Bsn (flowering in July)
“Purple Fringed Orchid” Platanthera psycodes [Summer] “Prairie Turnip” Pediomelum esulentum [Summer] “Lead Plant” Amorpha canescens [Summer] “Dotted Blazing Star” Liatris punctata [Summer, Autumn] Trio No. 8 for Ob, CBsCl, Bsn (flowering in October) “Touch -Me-Not” Impatiens capensis [Summer] “Closed Gentian” Gentiana andrewsii [Autumn] “New England Aster” Aster noae-angliae [Autumn] “Obedient Plant” Physostegia virginiana [Autumn] Trio No. 12 for Ob, BSax, Bsn (flowering in September - October) “Jerusalem Artichoke” Helianthus tuberosus [Summer, Autumn] “Maximillian’s Sunflower” Helianthus maximiliani [Summer, Autumn] “Cup Plant” Silphium perfoliatum [Summer, Autumn] “Compass Plant” Silphium loaciniatum [Summer, Autumn] |
Round 3
Trio No. 13 for Ob, Baroque Ob, Bsn (flowering in May)
“Bloodroot” Sanguinaria canadensis [Spring] “Liverleaf” Hepatica acutiloba [Early Spring] “Skunk Cabbage” Symplocarpus foetidus [Spring] “Minnesota Trout Lily” Erythronium propullans [Spring] Trio No. 15 for Ob, EH, Bsn (flowering in June - July) “Prairie Larkspur” Delphinium caroliniaum [Late Spring, Summer] “Virgin’s Bower” Clematis virginiana [Summer] “Queen Anne’s Lace” Daucus carota [Summer] “Prairie Onion” Allium stellatum [Summer] Trio No. 17 for Ob, Baroque Bsn (flowering in September) “Indian Paintbrush” Castilleja coccinea [Summer] “Turtlehead” Chelone glabra [Summer] “Cardinal Flower” Lobelia cardinalis [Summer] “Blanketflower” Gaillardia aristata [Summer, Autumn] |
Trio No. 14 for Ob, Obd’A, Bsn (flowering in June)
“Wood Anemone” Anemone quinquefolia [Spring] “Large-Flowered Trillium” Trillium grandiflorum [Spring] “May Apple” Podophyllum peltatum [Spring] “Dutchman’s Breeches” Dicentra cucullaria [Spring] Trio No. 16 for Ob, BsOb, Bsn (flowering in July - August) “Jack-in-the-Pulpit” Arisaema triphyllum [Spring, Summer] “Hog Peanut” Amphicarpea bracteata [Summer] “Indian Pipe” Monotropa uniflora [Summer] “Pitcher Plant” Sarracenia purpurea [Summer] Trio No. 18 for Ob, Bsn, CBsn (flowering in October – November) “Culver’s Root” Veronicastrum virginicum [Summer] “Rattlesnake Master” Eryngium yuccifolium [Summer] “Wild Quinine” Parthenium intergrifolium [Summer, Autumn] “Prairie Sage” Artemisia ludoviciana [Summer, Autumn] |
Paul Klee : Painted Songs
Completed Works for Oboe, English Horn, and Bassoon
Reed Quintet (Ob, Cl, ASax, BsCl, Bsn)
No. 154 "Architecture of the Plane" [8’]
Portrait, Scene, and Symbol III for Solo Oboe
No. 65 "Sealed Woman" [5’]
No. 66 "The Billy Goat" [4’]
No. 65 "Slightly Dry Poem" [4’]
Portrait, Scene, and Symbol V for Solo Bassoon
No. 118 “Portrait of a Yellow Man”
No. 69 “Modest Home”
No. 70 “Red Waistcoat”
Quartet II for 4 Oboes or Fl, Ob, Vln, and Cl
No. 36 "Fish in a Circle" [6’]
No. 35 "Bird Comedy" [3’]
Gallery Three for Two for Ob/EH and ASax/BSax
No. 1d "Twittering Machine" [2’]
No. 20c "Unstable Equilibrium" [3’]
No. 19b "She Bellows, We Play" [3’]
Miscellaneous Works for Bassoon and Percussion
No. 6c "Red Balloon" for bassoon and percussion [3’]
No. 7b "Separation in the Evening" for bassoon and vibraphone [3’]
No. 8b "Fire in the Evening" for bassoon and vibraphone [1’]
No. 10 "Colorful Lightning" for bassoon and percussion [5’]
No. 11 "[Theatre] Rehearsal" for bassoon and percussion [2’]
No. 154 "Architecture of the Plane" [8’]
Portrait, Scene, and Symbol III for Solo Oboe
No. 65 "Sealed Woman" [5’]
No. 66 "The Billy Goat" [4’]
No. 65 "Slightly Dry Poem" [4’]
Portrait, Scene, and Symbol V for Solo Bassoon
No. 118 “Portrait of a Yellow Man”
No. 69 “Modest Home”
No. 70 “Red Waistcoat”
Quartet II for 4 Oboes or Fl, Ob, Vln, and Cl
No. 36 "Fish in a Circle" [6’]
No. 35 "Bird Comedy" [3’]
Gallery Three for Two for Ob/EH and ASax/BSax
No. 1d "Twittering Machine" [2’]
No. 20c "Unstable Equilibrium" [3’]
No. 19b "She Bellows, We Play" [3’]
Miscellaneous Works for Bassoon and Percussion
No. 6c "Red Balloon" for bassoon and percussion [3’]
No. 7b "Separation in the Evening" for bassoon and vibraphone [3’]
No. 8b "Fire in the Evening" for bassoon and vibraphone [1’]
No. 10 "Colorful Lightning" for bassoon and percussion [5’]
No. 11 "[Theatre] Rehearsal" for bassoon and percussion [2’]
Completed Works for Clarinet
No. 1 "Twittering Machine" for Clarinet and Piano [2']
Reed Quintet (Ob, Cl, ASax, BsCl, Bsn)
No. 154 "Architecture of the Plane" [8’]
Portrait, Scene, and Symbol IV for Solo Clarinet
No. 21 "Mask of Fear" [4’]
No. 68 "Blades" [7'] (with electronics)
No. 117 "Ghost of a Genius" [10’] (with ensemble or electronics)
Quartet II for 4 Oboes or Fl, Ob, Vln, and Cl
No. 34 "Fish in a Circle" [6’]
No. 35 "Bird Comedy" [3’]
Quartet III for 4 Clarinets
No. 36 "The Aquarium" [4']
No. 37 "Bird Garden" [3']
Other selections from Gallery II, III, IV, V, VI, and VIII available on the Galleries from Paul Klee : Painted Songs page
Reed Quintet (Ob, Cl, ASax, BsCl, Bsn)
No. 154 "Architecture of the Plane" [8’]
Portrait, Scene, and Symbol IV for Solo Clarinet
No. 21 "Mask of Fear" [4’]
No. 68 "Blades" [7'] (with electronics)
No. 117 "Ghost of a Genius" [10’] (with ensemble or electronics)
Quartet II for 4 Oboes or Fl, Ob, Vln, and Cl
No. 34 "Fish in a Circle" [6’]
No. 35 "Bird Comedy" [3’]
Quartet III for 4 Clarinets
No. 36 "The Aquarium" [4']
No. 37 "Bird Garden" [3']
Other selections from Gallery II, III, IV, V, VI, and VIII available on the Galleries from Paul Klee : Painted Songs page
Other Completed Works for Clarinet
Memorial for Clarinet and Piano [5']
Suite excentrique for Bass Clarinet and Marimba [25']
2017 Alba Music Festival Commission for Transient Canvas
Three Meditations for Flute, Clarinet or Alto Saxophone, and Cello [7']
And, Plus, Also for Fl, Ob, Cl, Bsn, Hn, and Euph [4']
Suite excentrique for Bass Clarinet and Marimba [25']
2017 Alba Music Festival Commission for Transient Canvas
Three Meditations for Flute, Clarinet or Alto Saxophone, and Cello [7']
And, Plus, Also for Fl, Ob, Cl, Bsn, Hn, and Euph [4']